Acorn Protocol: Revolutionizing the Gig Economy with Decentralized Blockchain Technology


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Acorn Protocol DAO governance: everyone can participate

Acorn Protocol DAO governance: everyone can participate

Decentralized platform Acorn Protocol addresses challenges of data labeling in gig economy, aims to ensure fairness for workers and employers

SINGAPORE, January 24, 2023 / — Two weeks ago, Acorn Protocol, a decentralized platform that aims to address the challenges of data labeling in the gig economy was officially launched. In today’s episode of “Innovations in the Gig Economy”, we have with us the team behind to discuss the problems that led to the creation of the platform, how it aims to solve these issues, and how it works in practice. They will also talk about how Acorn Protocol ensures fairness for workers and employers and how it can help during the COVID-19 pandemic.Interviewer: Can you tell us more about the problems that led to the creation of Acorn Protocol?

Acorn Protocol Team: Sure. As the demand for machine learning techniques grows, so does the need for training data. The process of data labeling is labor-intensive and is often outsourced to developing countries through multi-step intermediaries. This practice has been criticized for resembling exploitation, as there are often significant power imbalances and information asymmetry in cross-country collaboration, with middlemen often retaining a disproportionate share of profits. To cut costs, intermediaries may lower employee wages, increase work hours, suspend accounts, or discontinue projects, leaving workers in vulnerable countries with few options other than to comply in order to survive.

Interviewer: That sounds like a serious problem. How does the Acorn Protocol aim to solve these issues?

Acorn Protocol Team: The Acorn Protocol is a decentralized platform that uses blockchain technology to create a trustless global labor market, allowing for collaboration between employers and workers without any physical or regional restrictions. It breaks down work into small tasks that can be quickly distributed and completed, with results verified through worker inspection and rewarded or penalized in real-time. Acorn Protocol could be a useful tool for companies looking to tap into the benefits of remote and outsourced work while also ensuring fair compensation for the workers.

Interviewer: That sounds like a very innovative solution. Can you tell us more about how the Acorn Protocol works in practice?

Acorn Protocol Team: For workers, they can participate in the platform by downloading the app, registering, and selecting a project. After receiving training and completing assigned tasks, workers can receive rewards in real-time in the form of liquid tokens. The results of the tasks are verified by the platform through cross-checking between workers and are then given rapid feedback and awards or penalties based on the results.

Interviewer: Thank you for explaining that. How does the Acorn Protocol ensure fairness for workers and employers?

Acorn Protocol Team: The Acorn Protocol uses a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) structure that allows all members to participate in decision-making through staking and voting. This ensures that all parties have a say in how the platform operates and that all decisions are made in the best interests of the community as a whole.

Interviewer: How can the Acorn Protocol help during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected the job market, with many people losing job opportunities and seeking new ways to earn a living. The platform’s decentralized nature allows for more transparency and fairness in the labor market, which can be beneficial for low-income country workers who may have limited job opportunities in their local area.

To gain further insight into the capabilities and advantages of the Acorn Protocol for your company, you can visit their website or download the Acorn Box on the App Store and Google Play. The comprehensive white paper is also readily available.

Anna QI
Acorn Protocol Team
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