At 29 Many Feathers in His Cap: Success Story of Youth Fitness Icon Imtiyaz Dar


Imtiyaz Dar

#Feathers #Cap #Success #Story #Youth #Fitness #Icon #Imtiyaz #Dar

Imtiyaz Dar

You might have heard many succeeding, It might sound simple, but it is indeed not for 29-year old Imtiyaz Dar. At such a young age, he has added a lot to his accomplishments.

He recently captured the top spot by winning the Title “Winner of All Man’s Physique 2022” by Jammu and Kashmir Bodybuilding association recognized by Indian Olympics and fitness Federation. He is a recognized fitness trainer, motivational to many, and an entrepreneur. Hailing from Narbal, Srinagar, he was born in the year 1993 to a business family.

What turned him towards fitness?

It was his passion and love for health that drove him to pursue something extraordinary. The mere beginning of his passion, but little did he know that this would turn him into a well-known fitness trainer and coach. As we all know switching to something hard is not easy and that too when you are established as a businessman. But he could achieve what he wanted to all because of support from his family. He gives them due credit for his success.

Known, for his fitness and coaching, this Kashmiri boy also aims to do many other things and he is set on a mission to end substance abuse in the valley. This has gained him praise and turned him out to be a role model. He has even helped many youths in the valley by providing, both offline and online, financial assistance and bodybuilding or fitness tips to them.

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