DNV awards blockchain statement for Samsung autonomous ship


#DNV #awards #blockchain #statement #Samsung #autonomous #ship [ad_1]

DNV has awarded a Statement of Fact (SoF) to Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) for applying blockchain technology to its own SAS (Samsung Autonomous Ship) and SVESSEL eLogbook data streams on an operating vessel.

The project was accomplished by interfacing SHI’s data stream and eLogbook with the VeChainThor blockchain to demonstrate the technology’s potential for secure data stream applications on ships.

As the shipping and offshore industry becomes more digitized, yards, shipping companies, manufacturers and class societies worldwide are actively developing and verifying smart and autonomous ships amid rising need to strengthening cybersecurity.

The blockchain application for the SHI data stream pertains to Samsung Autonomous Ship’s navigation information, particularly the Collision Risk Index and Distance to the Closest Point of Approach.

The maritime industry is paying attention to cybersecurity as another key to the digital revolution of ships. Blockchain technology is ground-breaking in data security for autonomous ships

SHI’s Director of Ship and Offshore Research Institute, Vice President Dr. Dong Yeon Lee, said.


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