5 Reasons why Sheamus is key to the success of The Brawling Brutes


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“The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus is having a career renaissance as the leader of the blue brand’s Brawling Brutes. The Irishman’s match against Gunther in September was so critically acclaimed that Dave Meltzer awarded it 5 stars. While he was unable to become the Intercontinental Champion, Sheamus showed the world why he’s one of the best wrestlers in the business today.

Butch and Ridge Holland could learn quite a bit under Sheamus’ tutelage. Without further ado, here are five reasons why The Celtic Warrior is the key to The Brawling Brutes’ success.

#5. Sheamus is a seasoned veteran of WWE’s main roster


The Celtic Warrior has been on mainstream WWE television since 2009, making him a 13-year veteran on the main roster. While 13 is known to be an unlucky number, luck has followed the Irishman throughout his WWE career.

Less than six months after debuting on the main roster, Sheamus became WWE Champion by defeating the legendary John Cena.

Sheamus has attained success in every division he’s competed in, whether it be the tag team scene, the mid-card, or the main event. And 13 years after his debut, the Irishman is still going strong and is delivering “banger” after “banger.” Ridge Holland and Butch can both benefit tremendously from Sheamus’ experience.

#4. Sheamus’ promo abilities

While both Butch and Ridge Holland are relatively green on the microphone, Sheamus is a natural who can be serious or comedic at a moment’s notice. The Celtic Warrior commands the attention of viewers with his verbal skills whether it’s in an interview or an in-ring promo.

Promos are typically very important in determining the success of a wrestler or a group of wrestlers. While Holland and Pete Dunne prefer to let their fists do the talking, Sheamus can weave some microphone magic to teach the two main-roster newcomers a thing or two.

#3. Sheamus is having a career renaissance

Ridge Holland and Butch are both lucky to be paired with Sheamus when the Irishman is arguably doing his best work. Sheamus has put on stellar performances against the likes of Drew McIntyre, Gunther, and The Bloodline.

Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter ranked him 5 out of 5-stars for his battle against Gunther in Cardiff, Wales. Most recently, Sheamus led The Brawling Brutes, Kevin Owens, and McIntyre into war against The Bloodline at Survivor Series: WarGames.

Even AEW’s MJF referred to Sheamus’ career resurgence back in September with a jibe at how long it has taken the man to finally get it right after several supposed slip-ups along the way.

#2. Sheamus has a laundry list of accomplishments

The Celtic Warrior is no stranger to success in WWE. Considering the Irishman’s track record with title wins, it’s highly possible that championship gold awaits The Brawling Brutes in the near future.

Sheamus is a four-time singles world champion, with three reigns as WWE Champion and one reign with the Big Gold Belt. He also won gold as a tag team specialist alongside Cesaro in The Bar, becoming five-time tag team champions together.

The Irishman is one of three wrestlers to win the Royal Rumble, the Money In The Bank match, and the King of the Ring tournament. He’s also achieved mid-card glory, becoming a three-time United States Champion. While he’s won WWE’s Triple Crown, Sheamus only needs the Intercontinental Championship to become a Grand Slam Champion.

#1. Sheamus uplifts both his allies & opponents

When a wrestler battles The Celtic Warrior in 2022, they go toe-to-toe and blow-for-blow with one of the most well-rounded wrestlers in the world. Even though the Irishman hasn’t been champion in over a year, Sheamus is at the top of his game and has a habit of elevating other wrestlers with his high-caliber performances.

Sheamus has been receiving increasingly positive responses from fans, and this has seemingly rubbed off on both Ridge Holland and Butch. Alongside Sheamus, both Butch and Holland main-evented one of WWE’s Big Four premium live events. They’re receiving tremendous exposure alongside the Irishman, and although they do deserve some credit as well, it’d be hard to see them in that position without Sheamus’ star power.

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Edited by Sidharta Sikdar


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