Michael King makes the secrets of success used by elite executives available to the ‘everyday’ leader


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The secrets to success for executives are not just reserved for a small group. Everyone can access them. Executive coaching is a strategic resource for leaders and aspiring leaders to help them perform at their highest potential. Nebraska-based Teams.Coach is now offering a new program that brings the lessons of high-level leadership and personal and career development to you. Michael King, a lauded executive coach, is behind the Aspire Plus program.

“This program addresses leadership and self-development for the everyday leader,” said King. “It touches on 12 specific principles of helping people unlock their abilities, dreams and potential. We’ve developed simple systems and strategies, community and accountability to help chase down dreams and ultimately understand and achieve goals and aspirations. It answers the question: ‘What do I really want for my life and how do I get there?’”

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Growing your brand

What does success look like in the Aspire Plus program? King said it starts with your conception of self.

He spoke of a recent success story, a local entrepreneur and small business owner. The results were a significant increase in revenue and rapid expansion of his business. King said that to get there, the entrepreneur had to first change how he viewed himself and his business.

“What a lot of people don’t realize when they enter into the Aspire Plus program is that an individual is responsible for representing an organizational brand, generally the company for whom you work, and a personal brand,” King said. “Grasping that concept and bolstering your personal brand helps you expand your mission and mindset. What do you want to be known for, and what are you doing about it? Most people just simply don’t know where to start!”

In the case of that entrepreneur, King said part of the personal inventory the two conducted together found that the mentee was undervaluing his skills. He was undervaluing his worth because of how he saw himself. He had a dream that needed to be unlocked, and it all started with identifying who he was and what he wanted. King offered a piece of advice that may scare some businesses: It was time to raise prices. The results increased both his revenue and the volume of clients he services.

“He never took a big swing, and the class taught him how to swing for the fences,” King said. “That change in mindset is why he has grown his business. He started to believe his story and his value. He surrounded himself with innovative and supportive voices that helped him build towards possibilities, not barriers. The rest is history.”

A community of support

The Aspire Plus program consists of a 12-week curriculum and community, taught by King to a larger group. Participants also have access to the Teams.Coach app and the material King has crafted after providing extensive training to high-level corporate leaders.

“We wanted to make our proven process that we have been using with executives and entrepreneurs available to the people that need it the most. We are all moms and dads, brothers and sisters, and sons and daughters. We all have dreams to unlock, and the best path forward is to surround yourself with the right people and have a plan. This is what we’ve done,” King said.

Another invaluable aspect is that participants in the program can virtually connect with all program participants, opening up a network of like-minded, growth-oriented individuals.

“It’s a network of dreamers, doers and those trying to succeed,” King said. “How great would your life be if you surrounded yourself with people who are big on a growth mindset? It helps accelerate your personal life and career. Whether we like it or not, the trajectory of our lives is greatly impacted by the people we choose to surround ourselves with.”

King has also found that augmenting Aspire Plus sessions with one-on-one coaching can spur even more significant results. In the end, the program exists to open avenues to people looking for personal and professional growth, regardless of industry or where they may be in the professional hierarchy.

“These lessons are applicable beyond just executives,” King said. “What Aspire does is make them accessible and affordable. Everybody wants to be the best version of themselves. Everybody wants to grow. This program, and the people in it, can help you unlock another level.”

Join the free Aspire Facebook group or jump into the free 15-minute Aspire Plus Introduction Session by clicking here: Aspire Plus program.

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