How Is Blockchain Suitable For Oil Trading? — Hometown Station | KHTS FM 98.1 & AM 1220 — Santa Clarita Radio


#Blockchain #Suitable #Oil #Trading #Hometown #Station #KHTS #Santa #Clarita #Radio [ad_1]

The use of oil everywhere in the world is ancient and will remain very long. But, as long as we survive, there will be oil trading worldwide. People have come up with the idea of making money out of purchasing and selling oil through price fluctuations. It is considered an oil trading technique for making money. You need to understand the core oil trading tips to stand out. People who earlier traded in the traditional stock market have now turned their preferences towards oil trading; therefore, new technological developments are required in oil trading. One among them is Blockchain technology, which has already revolutionised multiple industries worldwide. Now, it is time for the oil trading industry to get the revolution with the help of Blockchain technology.

For years, the oil trading industry has remained the same. People purchased and sold oil globally by the price actions, making money. But, when it comes to making money out of something like oil requires technological developments over time. If traditional technology is used in oil trading, there will be a time when this technique will no longer work. It is because modern technology will make other techniques much more profitable for people. Therefore, the companies involved in oil will not be able to get more benefits. Therefore, they will also have to shut down their operations which is not allowed because it is an essential commodity. But, by adding blockchain, things can change and revolutionise the whole oil trading industry for the people.

Reasons for suitability

The emerging trend of trading in oil and other oil-related commodities has led people to believe that technological developments are crucial to this industry. If they are not made over time, there will be an opportunity for the people to take over the whole world of oil trading, and the companies will be eliminated from the picture altogether. First, the suitability of the blockchain has to be adequately understood regarding oil trading. Below are a few things that make blockchain suitable to be added to the oil trading industry.

  • The first thing is that traditional technology is nowadays being used in oil trading, which is why people find it very difficult to make predictions about the prices. But, you might have seen that oil trading is being done on a large scale; therefore, it needs modern technology more than ever. Blockchain technology has lent its services to almost every industry in the world; therefore, it can bring about a revolution in oil trading. But, it has to be made sure that oil trading is getting all the advantages out of the blockchain. First of all, it is going to help in the management of the supply chain. The supply chain has been a crucial part of oil trading, but it is not very well done with traditional technology, and therefore, blockchain can fix things.
  • Oil trading is to be done by companies working on a global scale. Therefore, they require technological developments from time to time. One of the significant reasons the companies are failing to meet the people’s require that they are not getting adequate services through traditional technology. For example, technology has to change for bookkeeping and supplying goods and services to the people. Also, record keeping must be simplified and more sophisticated, but that will not happen with the old technology. Therefore, new technology must be added to the system by using blockchain only. Suppose the blockchain will be added to the system of oil trading any time soon. In that case, it will bring about new things which will help the people make more straightforward predictions, and the companies will be able to render services to the people more easily.
  • The cost of oil trading has been an essential factor in determining the profit for the people and company. Today, when companies and people trade in oil, they do so with the help of Fiat money, and that also involves the banking system. The involvement of banks in these things increases the cost of transactions, And hence, profits keep on decreasing. But, the blockchain is decentralised and eliminates the intermediaries. Directly the parties will be dealing with each other, and therefore, profits will be given to the parties involved in the transactions and trading. Hence, blockchain technology is needed in the oil trading industry much more than ever.


Some crucial reasons why the oil trading industry requires the modern technology of blockchain are explained in the above-given points. With the details, you will find it very simple and sophisticated to understand the requirement of blockchain in oil trading. Not only is technological development needed, but people like something much more sophisticated than traditional technology. This new technology will bring about a revolution and make oil trading much more straightforward for people.


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